Lust of the Dead 2: An In-Depth Exploration of the Japanese Horror Franchise

The world of Japanese horror cinema is rich with unique and often unsettling entries, and the “Lust of the Dead” series, also known as “Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead,” stands out as one of the more controversial and provocative franchises. “Lust of the Dead 2,” the second installment in this series, continues to push boundaries with its blend of horror, eroticism, and social commentary. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects of “Lust of the Dead 2,” exploring its plot, themes, reception, and place within the broader landscape of horror cinema.

Plot Overview

“Lust of the Dead 2,” directed by Naoyuki Tomomatsu, picks up where the first film left off. The series is set in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo, where a virus has turned men into zombies driven by an insatiable sexual desire. The few remaining survivors, primarily women, must navigate this dangerous new world while attempting to find a cure or a means of escape.

The plot of “Lust of the Dead 2” centers around a group of women who have banded together for safety. As they struggle to survive, they encounter various challenges, including zombie attacks, betrayal  information about this  within their group, and the harsh realities of a society in collapse. The film delves deeper into the characters’ backstories, revealing the trauma and loss they have experienced. It also expands on the origins of the virus, hinting at a possible connection to biological warfare or a government experiment gone wrong.

Themes and Social Commentary

At first glance, “Lust of the Dead 2” might seem like a typical exploitation film, with its graphic depictions of violence and sexual content. However, a closer examination reveals underlying themes and social commentary that add depth to the narrative.

Gender and Power Dynamics

One of the central themes of the film is the exploration of gender and power dynamics. The virus exclusively affects men, turning them into predators, while women are left to fend for themselves. This inversion of traditional gender roles highlights the vulnerability and strength of the female characters. The film critiques patriarchal structures and the objectification of women, using the extreme scenario of the zombie apocalypse to underscore these issues.

Survival and Human Nature

“Lust of the Dead 2” also examines the lengths to which people will go to survive in a desperate situation. The characters are forced to make difficult choices, often compromising their morals and humanity. The film presents a grim view of human nature, suggesting that extreme circumstances can bring out both the best and worst in people.

Critique of Authority

The film hints at a critique of authority and government control. The origins of the virus are shrouded in mystery, with implications that it may have been a result of a government experiment. This adds a layer of conspiracy and distrust towards those in power, reflecting broader societal anxieties about transparency and accountability.

Visual and Cinematic Style

“Lust of the Dead 2” is characterized by its low-budget production, which is typical of many Japanese exploitation films. Despite financial constraints, the film employs creative practical effects to depict the gruesome zombie attacks and the desolate post-apocalyptic landscape.

Cinematography and Atmosphere

The cinematography of “Lust of the Dead 2” effectively conveys a sense of claustrophobia and dread. The use of dim lighting, tight camera angles, and desaturated colors creates an oppressive atmosphere that mirrors the characters’ sense of entrapment. The urban setting, with its abandoned buildings and decaying infrastructure, adds to the bleak tone of the film.

Special Effects and Makeup

The special effects and makeup in “Lust of the Dead 2” are notable for their graphic and visceral quality. The zombie makeup is particularly effective, with detailed prosthetics and gore effects that enhance the horror elements. The practical effects, while not always polished, contribute to the film’s gritty and raw aesthetic.

Reception and Impact

“Lust of the Dead 2” has garnered a mixed reception, with reactions ranging from shock and revulsion to praise for its boldness and originality. The film’s explicit content and controversial themes have made it a polarizing entry in the horror genre.

Critical Response

Critics have been divided in their assessment of “Lust of the Dead 2.” Some have praised the film for its daring approach and willingness to tackle taboo subjects. They argue that beneath the surface-level shock value lies a thought-provoking exploration of societal issues. Others, however, have criticized the film for its gratuitous violence and perceived exploitation of sensitive topics. They contend that the film crosses the line into sensationalism, overshadowing any potential message.

Cult Following

The series has spawned several sequels, each continuing to explore the dark and disturbing world established in the first two films.

Comparison to Other Horror Films

To understand the place of “Lust of the Dead 2” within the broader horror genre, it is useful to compare it to other notable films and franchises.

Japanese Horror Tradition

“Lust of the Dead 2” draws on elements of Japanese horror, or J-horror, known for its unique blend of psychological terror and supernatural elements. While the film diverges from the more subtle and atmospheric approach of classics like “Ring” and “Ju-on: The Grudge,” it shares a willingness to explore themes of societal decay and human suffering.

Exploitation and Grindhouse Cinema

Like other exploitation films, “Lust of the Dead 2” uses its provocative elements to challenge viewers and provoke strong reactions.


“Lust of the Dead 2” is a complex and controversial entry in the world of horror cinema. While it may not be to everyone’s taste, it offers a unique and thought-provoking perspective on the zombie apocalypse genre.

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